wife pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Care to join the wife and me for a little 'bipartisanship'?

  2. 2. I do not like my wife, you see. I do not like her, no sirree. Her looks accuse, her words disparage, And so we have this open marriage.

  3. 3. Hi, my wife says we need you to be a celestial family.

  4. 4. My life is pretty sad I would rather have a dark fruits then a wife

  5. 5. I tend to be a pretty responsible person. I’ve got a wife and kids…somewhere.

  6. 6. Me: "I don't know but I think I met a ten tonight." *dabs*

  7. 7. Do you go gold mining? Because you look like you could be my next wife.

  8. 8. Baby yuh sell inna Pings? Yuh luk like two yaad a wife material

  9. 9. You'll be next, unless you say yes to being my wife

  10. 10. Disregard if this line has already been posted. My wife overheard a Marine say this pickup line to another Marine asking what he should say to a girl he was texting.

  11. 11. I just received a message from the Holy Ghost that you are supposed to be my wife.

  12. 12. Because I want to fall out with my wife over you

  13. 13. I don't feel like I have any purpose in life

  14. 14. Sorry I asked siri to call my future wife

  15. 15. You are prettier than Ted Cruz's wife.

  16. 16. Hey girl! Wanna see me turn water into wine while we play Joseph and Potiphar's wife?

  17. 17. I always take my clothes off before picking up women. I can't have my wife smelling you on me when I go home, can I.

  18. 18. Cause I want to beat the shit out of u

  19. 19. Hey are you my ex wife's lawyer? Cause you look like you wanna screw me.

  20. 20. We'll smash later, first be my wife - Day 88

  21. 21. Well she isn’t really my wife, we’ve only just met

  22. 22. My wife?

  23. 23. Are you my wife cause her boyfriend would love you

  24. 24. TORBJORN: You're not my wife.

  25. 25. But that’s weird cos I’ve never been married (yet)

  26. 26. IDK I've never been married though

  27. 27. My life is sad, J would rather have a dark fruits then a wife

  28. 28. Because I wanna hit you like my ex wife

  29. 29. Follow up with: Wow, you even have the same name

  30. 30. Guy - You look like my first wife. Girl - Really? How many wives have you had? Guy - None

  31. 31. Wanna be a sister wife?

  32. 32. My aunt died and left me six million dollars with the stipulation that I find a wife by Friday. Would you like to have a drink with me?

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