rare pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I have a rare disease that will kill me unless I have sex within the next 30 minutes.

  2. 2. Girl, you're more rare than spinning a Jackpot.

  3. 3. Why aren't you in the periodic table? Maybe because you are a rare element in my life.

  4. 4. Scientists have recently discovered a rare new element called Beautium. It looks like you are made of it.

  5. 5. Because you’re rare and extremely attractive. Idk If it’s been used but I just thought about it.

  6. 6. Someone told me I'm a rare Mexican Flower.

  7. 7. Because you look like a rare gem I want to collect. (A lapidary is someone who looks for gemstones and stuff like that)

  8. 8. Are you Knabstrupper? Because you are a rare beauty.

  9. 9. Are you a RARE CANDY? 'cuz I feel a level-up.

  10. 10. I love a good piece of rare meat and you are looking pretty succulent.

  11. 11. I trade rare metals, and you look like the rarest one of them all.

  12. 12. Because I’d eat you even if you were bleeding

  13. 13. Because i’ll eat you even if you’re bleeding

  14. 14. Cuz I'd still eat you if you were bleedin'

  15. 15. Because I’d eat you if you were bleeding

  16. 16. Because I would eat you even if you were bleeding

  17. 17. Because finding someone as pretty as you is kinda rare.

  18. 18. You are as rare as finding a watermelon without pits.

  19. 19. Cause you are rare, interesting and THICC.

  20. 20. You are as rare as a purple RPG from a chest.

  21. 21. Are you a Mew? Because your beauty is rare!

  22. 22. Not even the pokedex knows you

  23. 23. Hey girl, are you a medium rare steak? Coz I'd still eat you even if you're bleeding

  24. 24. I don't have a pickup line but girls like you are pretty rare and I know if you're by my side, we'll make it anywhere - Day 68

  25. 25. What bait do I need to catch this rare beauty of yours?

  26. 26. Girl, I got one rare trouser snake ready for you.

  27. 27. Because you’re a 10/10 Only works on October 10 making it rare.

  28. 28. Your beauty is as rare as a Venus eclipse.

  29. 29. I have a rare disease that will kill me unless I have sex within the next 30 minutes. Don't let me die!

  30. 30. I just scored a rare sampling of imported olive oils; wanna come back to my place for a tasting?

  31. 31. Want to see my rare limited edition Lego collection?

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