wont pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I know I've cum early but I wont ever ever disappoint you.. ️️️

  2. 2. The ghosts upstairs wont be the only ones moaning tonight.

  3. 3. And did you know goddess has two D’s in it And i guess a 3rd D wont hurt

  4. 4. So I wont need an invite when I look through your windows...

  5. 5. I wont forget you as easily as Sora forgets Kairi for Riku.

  6. 6. Now I wont be able to blow out my candles...cause you ladies just took my breath away.

  7. 7. Ey baby wont ya come on over and cut me off a slice of that there genitalia you been toatin round

  8. 8. ~smooth

  9. 9. Extra cursed student or not, I wont even think of ignoring you.

  10. 10. Well, let's go back to your place and you wont have to WONDER anymore.

  11. 11. I may give up on biology, but i wont give up on you.

  12. 12. Cuzz the church wont like it when I play with you

  13. 13. A full ride

  14. 14. If you were a chicken, i wont need to cook you to eat you. You're already hot as fuck.

  15. 15. Please? If you turn your back for 30 seconds, you wont even know if its me.

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