questions pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Your toy is so cool. May I play with it?

  2. 2. Because I'm probably gonna flip you around a couple times, realise I don't know what I'm doing and finish in 3 minutes

  3. 3. Clinical studies have shown that sex kills. Wanna die happy?

  4. 4. Would you like to hold my sonic screwdriver?

  5. 5. Why don't you come tame my dragon?

  6. 6. Apple Music or Spotify Did you see the glitch earlier? You weren’t listed as the top hottest single

  7. 7. Should I enter your base from the front, or the rear?

  8. 8. Do I have to cut away that grass with my sword before I can enter your forbidden forest?

  9. 9. Do you want me to show to you a delegated act?

  10. 10. Would you like to come out to the farm and help me with the bees?

  11. 11. Would you mind goin plow my cord field?

  12. 12. Do you like secret sauce in your burger?

  13. 13. Will you help with with my French technique?

  14. 14. You want to take a trip down South tonight?

  15. 15. I usually don't ask a girl this question till she's pregnant. What's your name?

  16. 16. Are you a boy or a girl... or does it not matter?

  17. 17. You ever made it with a guy in tights?

  18. 18. Did you came out of the TV or is it just me?

  19. 19. Now I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions, and I want them answered immediately.

  20. 20. Do you mind if I slip my rope under your route?

  21. 21. Can you pour me a drink like you poured yourself into those jeans?

  22. 22. Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to swim past you again?

  23. 23. Do you wanna know why I am called Power Man?

  24. 24. Rigor mortis, know what I mean?

  25. 25. Your dojo or mine?

  26. 26. Why don't you let me put my myelin on your axon for the night?

  27. 27. Yes or no question; is it wet in Bikini Bottom?

  28. 28. Do you need more sugar or am I sweet enough?

  29. 29. Do you open for breakfast?

  30. 30. Do you subtweet here often?

  31. 31. You're a fire bender?

  32. 32. You come to this cave often?

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