punchline pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cause I wanna make your face burn for the father land. (I commented the punchline on another post titled “ are you a book” by u/wawadbear12)

  2. 2. There's no punchline here, just walk up to a chick at a bar and open the conversation by saying, "My mother says I'm hung like a horse". It's topical because of all the triple crown talk.

  3. 3. ...and then she unmatched me! She didn't even have the common courtesy to provide the damn punchline. Has anyone heard this one before? The mystery is killing me more than losing a match.

  4. 4. There's no punchline, show me your tiddies.

  5. 5. Well there's no punchline, but it worked for 9-year-old Anakin on 14-year-old Padmé.

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