disney pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. He was so hot, steam looked cool.

  2. 2. Just thought because your dress is going to disappear at midnight

  3. 3. Call me midnight because I'll make that dress disappear...

  4. 4. I'll make you scream so loud we'll break the record.

  5. 5. Let's test.. is it true love's kiss?

  6. 6. Have you ever seen lion king? I'm that guy.

  7. 7. If I was Peter Pan, you'd be my happy little thought.

  8. 8. Be mine or you will burn.

  9. 9. You might be a lady but I'll make you my tramp tonight.

  10. 10. Hey, do you work for Disney cause I think you can make all my dreams come true.

  11. 11. You be my princess Jasmin ill be the magic carpet n all you gotta do is ride me.

  12. 12. You're looking tiggerific!

  13. 13. Hey Beauty, let me show you my beast.

  14. 14. Girl, Are you Disneyland? Because you make me Matter-horny.

  15. 15. Hey there Cinderella, I'd like to be your Prince Charming.

  16. 16. Hey girl are you ariel? Because i wanna be part of your world.

  17. 17. Is that Pinocchio in your pants or are you just pleased to see me?

  18. 18. I would drive a million lightyears to have you Buzz my Woody.

  19. 19. Can you help? I'm late for a very important date.. with you.

  20. 20. You can call me Donald Duck...because I'm not wearing any pants.

  21. 21. I don't like to brag, but Kung Fu Panda was partially based on me.

  22. 22. How about we skip the glass slipper and I just call you my Cinderella?

  23. 23. Baby, what's it going to take for my Louie to make your Huey all Dewey?

  24. 24. If you were Gerald, I'd let you stay on the rock.

  25. 25. Like a Disney DVD, I'm enhanced with Fast Play.

  26. 26. So I've seen you're Beauty, can I show you my Beast?

  27. 27. Minnie, want to see my polka dot bed sheets?

  28. 28. If you'll be my beauty... I'll let you bring the Beast out in me.

  29. 29. Rub my magic lamp and I'll make all your wishes come true.

  30. 30. Have you heard of Disney + and thrust

  31. 31. Like Shang, I love a woman who speaks her mind & can handle a long sword.

  32. 32. Hey Rapunzel, let me climb up the ladder of your love.

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