pregnant pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Baby don't worry about getting pregnant i'll safely remove my hardware.

  2. 2. I'm scared of getting pregnant, so do you want to go up to my room & test out all of my condoms?

  3. 3. Cause I'm trying to get a double kill

  4. 4. Hey excuse me...I know you pregnant but when you drop that one off...ID LOVE to put another one in u.

  5. 5. Because I hope that’s not fat

  6. 6. I usually don't ask a girl this question till she's pregnant. What's your name?

  7. 7. Guy: I’m pregnant Girl: What? Guy: I thought we were saying things that are impossible :) I wonder if u guys know where this is from

  8. 8. If you want to see I can turn you from a virgin to a pregnant lady.

  9. 9. Damn girl, how could you not be pregnant, you're smoking hot, who wouldn't wanna knock that up.

  10. 10. One inch closer and you'd've already been pregnant

  11. 11. Cause I think you should consult a doctor before you may become pregnant.

  12. 12. Until they tell me they're pregnant ... What's your name ?

  13. 13. I just checked my schedule and I'm pretty sure I could have you pregnant by this evening.

  14. 14. Shh shhh. You won't get pregnant, you're body just takes care of those things.

  15. 15. Hey girl, I know you’re pregnant but when you drop that one off, I’d LOVE to put another one in you!

  16. 16. Because that takes some balls

  17. 17. You don't have to worry about getting pregnant.

  18. 18. Hey excuse me...I know you pregnant but when you drop that one off...ID LOVE to put another one in you

  19. 19. I just checked my schedule and I can have you pregnant by Christmas.

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