demon pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. If you were a demon I'd sell my soul just to seal a deal with you.

  2. 2. Were you born that beautiful or did you make a deal with a Crossroad demon?

  3. 3. Are you made of demon blood? Because baby I’m addicted to you.

  4. 4. If I'm a demon, you must be a Devil's Trap, cause I'm stuck on you.

  5. 5. My butler Is a demon in more than one way, care to see?

  6. 6. Are we in hell? Cause your touch is setting me on fire.

  7. 7. If being a crossroads demon is the way to score a kiss from you, then so be it.

  8. 8. Can I possess you like you have possessed my obsession?

  9. 9. You must be a crossroads demon, because you have my soul.

  10. 10. You're gorgeous. Let's me seal my words with a kiss.

  11. 11. Do you belong to a Demon mask, because you've got some Majorass.

  12. 12. I always thought the source of hell's hotness was the fire. I was wrong, it's you.

  13. 13. Did you just fall from Heaven because you look like one really fucking evil, demonic bitch.

  14. 14. You're to me what demon blood is to you, Sam!

  15. 15. Why need demon blood, when you have me.

  16. 16. Are you a demon? Because I want you inside me.

  17. 17. Just because you're not a demon anymore doesn't mean we can't live in sin.

  18. 18. Wanna grab me by the horns? It'll be one hell of a ride.

  19. 19. Damn girl you have to be a demon, because I want to be inside you.

  20. 20. Call me the Yellow Eye Demon but I would nail you to the ceiling and light a fire.

  21. 21. Are you Lucifer? Because you sure are the most beautiful being in hell.

  22. 22. Is that a Kurdish Knife or are you just happy to see me?

  23. 23. -because I could get used to seeing you every night.

  24. 24. Because you’ve got me possessed

  25. 25. Cause I wanna feel you getting in my body.

  26. 26. Because i want to promise my soul to you

  27. 27. Because I can't get you out of my mind

  28. 28. Because I’m horny for you

  29. 29. Why yes, that is a little demon in my pocket!

  30. 30. I hope you'll be my demon.

  31. 31. Cuz i wanna sell my soul to you (seriously though - what's with me and demonic pick up lines?)

  32. 32. So that you could keep me up all night Alternatively: So that I could wake up to you everyday

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