poker pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey, are you the bottom of my early position opening range because you're a QT.

  2. 2. It doesn't take a Pro Poker Player to know every KING needs his QUEEN. Will you go to the Prom with me?

  3. 3. I'll go all in to get that jackpot.

  4. 4. If you were an online poker game, I'd go all in.

  5. 5. Hey. Wanna see my one eyes jack?

  6. 6. But I could be the king of your heart

  7. 7. I only have one move in poker and in love…and it’s all in

  8. 8. Nice set.

  9. 9. I only have one move in poker and in love - I go all in

  10. 10. We should play strip poker. You can strip, and I'll poke you.

  11. 11. Want to see what I'm holding?

  12. 12. Yeah i'm checking. Checking you out.

  13. 13. I'd go all in on the chance to see you again.

  14. 14. ...I'd be all in.

  15. 15. Want to play a little document distribution strip poker?

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