organ pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I like your shape, how’d you like to form a complex organic transition state?

  2. 2. Youse da greatest. Youse da best. But you're untouchable, like Elliot Ness.

  3. 3. You look a lot like my next comare!

  4. 4. Baby you are so fine, I want to kidnap and smuggle you to my private villa.

  5. 5. Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!

  6. 6. Yo Hoes..what's yallz bitachess names?

  7. 7. Lie down with me - It's my final offa, Or you'll be lying wit' Jimmy Hoffa.


  9. 9. Because I want to give my heart to you

  10. 10. I'd love to give you my heart.

  11. 11. But I'd be happy to put my body parts inside you.

  12. 12. I ordered a beer so you would card me and see I’m an organ donor. Here take my heart and my number.

  13. 13. Because I'm after your heart.

  14. 14. Cause I want your heart

  15. 15. I’ll take a half dozen organic eggs and one of you.

  16. 16. Hey there, I bought you some fair trade, organic, vegan chocolate.

  17. 17. I like my coffee like I like my women: ethical, fair trade, and organic.

  18. 18. You're sweeter than the agave syrup in my organic fair trade mint tea.

  19. 19. But that bulge is too big to be a prize winning potato

  20. 20. Are you a fresh organic apple? Because I just picked you...

  21. 21. I like getting my hands dirty in any kind of organic garden.

  22. 22. There’s something so organic to the way you use your hands.

  23. 23. Don't believe the rumours you've heard... the Bubonic plague didn't affect my important organs.

  24. 24. Are you from a polling organization? Because I’d love to show you my hard numbers. (Scott Walker)

  25. 25. Because I last longer and I am better for you.

  26. 26. Because you stole my heart.

  27. 27. You can swallow. It's organic cause I'm a vegan.

  28. 28. You know how they say skin is the largest organ on the human body? Not in my case.

  29. 29. Don’t worry, I’m 100% organic AND locally grown.

  30. 30. I believe in eating all organic.

  31. 31. ‘Cause I’d like to date you

  32. 32. I find that organic grown produce has more flavor, don’t you?

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