polish pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey baby, if you were a polishing disc, you'd be superfine.

  2. 2. I'll bet you 100 bucks that you're better in bed than elin, ill be the judge.,Wanna polish my driver?

  3. 3. Because if you were unexpectedly on my bedroom floor right now I'd be going down on you whether I liked it or not.

  4. 4. What is the shade of nail polish called that you are wearing that looks so good?

  5. 5. hey how’d you like to help me polish my wand.

  6. 6. Wanna polish my iron?

  7. 7. My where do you get your sceptre polished?

  8. 8. I promise to lick your balls clean and polish your shaft before and after each use during the upcoming golf season.

  9. 9. Cause damn, I’ll be taking you on both sides tonight!

  10. 10. Cause dat ass, it toned

  11. 11. "...I was thinking about a kielbasa taco."

  12. 12. Wish I was British so I could say "could you polish me nob?"

  13. 13. 'Cause I can see myself in you.

  14. 14. Girl you so fine, i think you got polished with heavenly sandpaper.

  15. 15. Are you Polish? Because you make my eyes shine.

  16. 16. Because I wanna Gdansk with you all night.

  17. 17. Some of them are dirty though, so maybe you can help me by polishing my D10.

  18. 18. I need your help to polish my gun.

  19. 19. You should come back to my place. My master sword needs to be polished.

  20. 20. Will you use ROCK POLISH on my Pokeballs?

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