meet pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You mean more then meets the eye.

  2. 2. Because it completely blew me away!

  3. 3. Meeting you was F8.

  4. 4. Can you help me meet my dissemination targets? I’ll let you be in a condition of power.

  5. 5. Meet me in the corn field I'll kiss you between the ears.

  6. 6. I was dying to meet you.

  7. 7. I'll meet you for dinner. Does noon work?

  8. 8. Egg who? Eggcited to meet you. 

  9. 9. Hey you will never meet another hug like me!

  10. 10. You sure meet my convergence criteria.

  11. 11. ~~Because I want you to meet my family~~

  12. 12. Can our first date be in the cemetery? I'm dying to meet you there.

  13. 13. If morning is you, I am the first one to wake up to meet you.

  14. 14. But I'd rather look at you because the chances of meeting someone like you is once in a lifetime.

  15. 15. I’ve got a snake waiting to meet you, no, it is not Nagini.

  16. 16. Do you have a sister cause I want to meet her

  17. 17. Nice to e-meet you.

  18. 18. Aye, me Long John Silver would love to meet ye Black Beard! Arrrg?

  19. 19. Do you drag all the sailors you meet to their watery doom or am I special?

  20. 20. Would they like to meet mine?

  21. 21. Are you just pleased to meet me, or is that an Architeuthis in your trousers?

  22. 22. Are you Matt Hardy? Because meeting you was a twist of fate.

  23. 23. Coz you can meet my balls.

  24. 24. I'm gonna call you Odysseus, because you're about to meet a one-eyed monster.

  25. 25. I have been struggling with loneliness. Would you mind meeting me to pray about it?

  26. 26. If your left leg was kalendor and your right leg was eastern kingdom can I meet you at northern?

  27. 27. I'm not like the other Canadians you meet.

  28. 28. Ice to meet you.

  29. 29. Nice to meet you. I'm a recovering herion addict.

  30. 30. I asked Barack Obama if we could meet later , and I said Yes We Can!

  31. 31. I have a cat, she’d like to meet you.

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