notice pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. "All I'm missing is 'U'!" If they don't correct you and say that that only makes 25 letters, they aren't worth your time, give up. If they do notice... "Don't worry, you'll get the 'D' later"

  2. 2. I couldn't help but notice you lost your bikini top on that waterslide, give me your number and I'll let you have it back.

  3. 3. Self-explanatory. One of my favorites: "Hi, I noticed you as I was walking by and thought 'wow, I would definitely like to impregnate her' "

  4. 4. And fell right into your eyes

  5. 5. How you doin'?

  6. 6. Hey gorgeous ! I’ve just finished studying the book of numbers. But I noticed I don’t have yours.

  7. 7. I came over because I notice your chakra use is limited, and well let’s just say I really know how to get your chakra flowing.

  8. 8. They forgot to list you in their hottest singles

  9. 9. So I just wanna put you on notice that I noticed you, too.

  10. 10. I couldn’t help but notice your eye path went right to my smudge stick.

  11. 11. Oh, hey there, pretty lady. I notice you travel by airplane. I travel by airplane too..

  12. 12. How about a notice of motion?

  13. 13. I noticed how quick you took off your belt for that TSA security line.

  14. 14. (If yes) good so I wasn’t the only one who noticed you a snack (If no) I thought you would because you looking like a snack

  15. 15. My only hope would be for you to be a metal detector so you would notice me

  16. 16. They forgot to list you as hottest single !

  17. 17. I noticed you, noticing me when I ordered.

  18. 18. So I couldn't help but notice our breathing patterns were really in sync today.

  19. 19. I couldn't help but notice that we have the same stride tempo. We should totally stride together...

  20. 20. Are you a property inspector? Because I noticed that you were checking me out.

  21. 21. Sorry, but I couldn't help but noticing how cute you look in that ankle-length, shapeless, plaid jumper.

  22. 22. How do i get an angel to notice me back?

  23. 23. I couldn’t help but notice your monetary base. Do you let a guy get to M3 on a first date?

  24. 24. Because your pelvic floor is definitely going to.

  25. 25. I couldn't help but notice all of these losers circling you like Nazgul... why don't we get out of here and go back to my Mathom-house?

  26. 26. Her: Yeah but how did you notice? You: Orbiting around earth must be hard

  27. 27. I couldn't help but notice that you don't use deodorant.

  28. 28. I noticed that you have the bible app on your phone... I can tell you're a woman of the word.

  29. 29. I barely noticed you in the winter months.

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