dollars pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. The Koch brothers bet me a million dollars! couldn’t strike up a conversation with the most beautiful girl here. Wanna buy some votes with their money? (Ted Cruz)

  2. 2. Wedding cake.

  3. 3. If I had a dollar for every person I saw as beautiful as you, I would have exactly one dollar.

  4. 4. Because I want to rifle through your drawers.

  5. 5. I'll have none, Cause you went straight to my heart

  6. 6. Coz you never leave my mind.

  7. 7. I'd have only one, because you never left my mind.

  8. 8. You'd have a dollar

  9. 9. Feeling like a million dollars is overrated, you could feel a billion dollars tonight.

  10. 10. With you in my life, who needs a million dollars? I already have that.

  11. 11. If I had a dollar every time I thought of you, I'd have a high tax bracket.

  12. 12. Hey girl, wanna come watch this 39" tv and these 5 dollar movies tonight?

  13. 13. I bet you a dollar I can kiss you on the mouth without touching your lips *kisses her on the lips* - I guess I owe you a dollar

  14. 14. Have you ever dreamed of a small loan of a million dollars?

  15. 15. If I had a dollar for everytime I thought about you I would have a dollar Cuz you've never left my mind

  16. 16. Are you a Prime Time Player baby? Because you're worth millions of dollars.

  17. 17. I’d be broke

  18. 18. Cuz I'm sure I'll never have that

  19. 19. I’d have $1 because I never stop thinking about you:)

  20. 20. Cuz I wanna hold onto you for years until it costs me thousands of dollars.

  21. 21. Do you take payment in dollars or inches?

  22. 22. You’d be a dollar richer

  23. 23. I'd have a dollar, because you never leave my mind.

  24. 24. Because you look like a small loan of a million dollars.

  25. 25. I don't have a billion dollars

  26. 26. I've never paid 300 dollars to have a garbanzo bean on my face.

  27. 27. I need a billion dollars and a falcon heavy to get in uranus. (Nerdy pick up line)

  28. 28. For instance wired questions such as What would you do if you had to spent a million dollars in a week , and stuff like that \-Thanks !

  29. 29. Put a dollar bill on your head and when he asks what you did that for tell him its all you can eat for under a dollar

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