paleo pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I'm not afraid of commitment – my fridge is stuffed with Kerrygold.

  2. 2. Baby, I can turn your world 180 degrees, Matt Stone style.

  3. 3. Come on over to my place, I've got a free trial of a very expensive protein shake.

  4. 4. Clearly your LDL is of the large, fluffy kind. Very impressive indeed.

  5. 5. I make incredible Paleo Chili. Ill show you the "secret ingredient".

  6. 6. I can dead lift twice your bodyweight - so come over to my cave so I can workout

  7. 7. I couldn't help but notice that you don't use deodorant.

  8. 8. Would you like to come up and see my etchings of Chesterton?

  9. 9. I like to go as bare as possible...when running...

  10. 10. I love your primal body.

  11. 11. I believe in getting in touch with my primal side as often as possible

  12. 12. I like my meat raw, of course

  13. 13. Anybody ever tell you that you look a lot like Denise Minger?

  14. 14. Are you kidding me? My omega 6 to 3 ratio is fricking Okinawan.

  15. 15. Baby, I have the best grassfed butter in town.

  16. 16. Come over to my place and you can milk my cow.

  17. 17. Come over tonight and I'll show you what the posterior kinetic chain is really good for.

  18. 18. Did you hear the one about Dr. Davis and the butter churn?

  19. 19. Got any paleo in ya? Want about 7 inches?

  20. 20. Hey baby, I usually go full paleo, but even I can 't resist those buns.

  21. 21. Hey girl, breakfast was delicious. No one could have guessed you'd hidden raw liver in my smoothie.

  22. 22. Hey girl, I know how you feel about refined carbohydrates. So instead of buying you chocolates. I got you 50 lbs of raw, organic grassfed butter.

  23. 23. Hey girl, this local, raw, unfiltered honey is twice as sweet as white sugar, but it’s still not as sweet as you.

  24. 24. Hey girl. Let’s do it tonight. Let’s finally set up that kombucha continuous brew system.

  25. 25. Hey girl. You were right. Beet kvass is a better pairing for duck liver pâté than red wine.

  26. 26. Hey, baby, how about some primal reenactment?

  27. 27. I eat only the finest of free-range meats

  28. 28. I make sure to use every part of the animal

  29. 29. I put coconut oil on everything

  30. 30. I'll show you mine if you show me yours - vitamin D levels that is.

  31. 31. I'm not just Paleo, I'm Paleo 2.0.

  32. 32. I'm totally Paleo. Nothing but water and Flintstones Vitamins.

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