master pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you a master of Powerpoint? Because I’d sure like to slide all over your deck.

  2. 2. Because either way I’ll be your dungeon master

  3. 3. Are you the Master’s drums? Cause I can’t get you out of my head.

  4. 4. Cause you look like a Head Master

  5. 5. Because you look like a head-master

  6. 6. I am Zana the Master Cartographer, ready to map out your entire body.

  7. 7. Because you look like a master piece

  8. 8. Hey Gorgeous, I'd like to go to your Sacred Grove and shove my Master Sword into your pedestal tonight.

  9. 9. Damn girl! Was your dad a grill master? Because you are sizzling!

  10. 10. Cause Yoda one for me

  11. 11. Can I put my master sword in your temple of time?

  12. 12. Hey girl wanna play with my master sword.

  13. 13. Girl, looks like you mastered your sexy no jutsu.

  14. 14. Cuz I'm a master of the Wood Style, baby. I'll train you all night long.

  15. 15. Warlocks are masters of shadow magic.

  16. 16. Say your not old enough to get married? Pull on my master sword and then we will.

  17. 17. Because I'm a pick up master

  18. 18. You must be a master swordsman, because damn, you're striking.

  19. 19. If you were a Pokemon I would use my only master ball to catch you.

  20. 20. Hey, baby, I'm a master of ninjitsu. How about we go to the dojo for our own private lesson?

  21. 21. Baby I’m a Pokemon master. I’ll train your Jigglypuffs.

  22. 22. I would shake your hand, but I'm not allowed to touch the master pieces.

  23. 23. Wanna see what a Master can do in 68 strokes?

  24. 24. When it comes to making tasty turkey, I'm a master baster.

  25. 25. And you be my head master ;)

  26. 26. I know your name isn't Zelda, but I'll put my master sword in your temple of time.

  27. 27. Hey baby wanna play with my master sword?

  28. 28. Call Ollivander, because I think my wand has found its master.

  29. 29. Im a Tongue Fu Master

  30. 30. I'll put my Master Sword in your Temple of Time.

  31. 31. Hey baby, I’ll take you so high that you’ll have to call me a Zen master.

  32. 32. You’ve got to be a master of illusion, simply because all I see is you.

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