insult pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you Netflix? because i think you're a complete waste of time and you get me bored and I'm done!

  2. 2. Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

  3. 3. Because you're corny and cheesy as fuck.

  4. 4. They say laughter is the best medicine, i guess your face can cure the world.

  5. 5. Your daddy must have been a thief, because he stole your beauty and gave it to that girl over there.

  6. 6. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven... and landed on your face?

  7. 7. Your beauty is directly proportional to the distance between us.

  8. 8. Hey baby, I like that dress, but I’d like it better if it were on a prettier girl.

  9. 9. You look exactly like a "before" picture.

  10. 10. I think I've fallen in puppy love.. oh wait, I though you were a dog. Nevermind.

  11. 11. You must have been born on a highway because that's where most accidents happen.

  12. 12. Is your mom a hooker? Cause I'm hooked on you.

  13. 13. You are proof that God has a sense of humor.

  14. 14. God must of been angry at your parents when he made you.

  15. 15. Babe, you smell like shit, sorry!

  16. 16. If you were a pair of boots you would be Ugg-ly.

  17. 17. Were you in the Boy Scouts? Because you tied my heart in a knot. Also, you look like a boy.

  18. 18. You have the perfect face for the radio.

  19. 19. Girl, are you a man or a woman? Cuz you got me in a trance.

  20. 20. You smell like thrash can I take you out!

  21. 21. I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you never use it.

  22. 22. Are those butterflies in my stomach? Oh wait you're just making me sick.

  23. 23. You are so sweet, it made your teeth rot.

  24. 24. Hey, Baby. Are you a Miz Match? Because you're pretty fucking boring.

  25. 25. Do you have a mirror in your pocket? Because your pants are big enough to fit one.

  26. 26. Are you Jamaican? Because Jamaican me want to vomit in your face!

  27. 27. I'd take you home but you wouldn't fit in my car.

  28. 28. Your boobs are so big it makes your shirt puff up so you look chunky. You should wear tighter shirts.

  29. 29. I got so many airheads for Halloween yesterday, the only one I'm missing is you.

  30. 30. Girl, you're mildly attractive. I almost had to do a single take!

  31. 31. You look like that one really famous person. What's his name? Steven Tyler that's it!

  32. 32. Are you related to Jesus? Because you're pretty good with getting nailed.

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