schwarzenegger pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I’m going to be around you a lot. Days, nights, weekends, holidays...

  2. 2. When I said you should go screw yourself, I didn’t mean you to take it literally.

  3. 3. Come on baby, you know you’re the girl of my dreams.

  4. 4. Now I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions, and I want them answered immediately.

  5. 5. Let’s rock n roll

  6. 6. Are you Arnold Schwarzenegger? Because I'm feeling predatorial.

  7. 7. You’re alive, and I’ll keep you that way.

  8. 8. Hello. I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger

  9. 9. Born to be bad

  10. 10. Nice night for a walk.

  11. 11. What can I say, I’m a spy.

  12. 12. Howdy Stranger

  13. 13. Stop being such a pussy.

  14. 14. I’m afraid and I’m shy.

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