Food, Foodie pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You’re looking so sweet, you’ve got my eyes glazed over like doughnuts.

  2. 2. You must be one spicy dish because you’re making my heart burn.

  3. 3. Do you have any Sriracha sauce? Cause you fire me up!

  4. 4. I wish I had some butter for them biscuits.

  5. 5. You’re so cute I could bottle you up in a mason jar.

  6. 6. You’re as complete as quinoa.

  7. 7. You remind me of cheese... I want you on everything!

  8. 8. Were you born in a farm? You look a-maize-ing.

  9. 9. Baby, if you were a fruit you'd be a Fineapple.

  10. 10. Do you sell hot dogs? Because you sure know how to make a wiener stand.

  11. 11. Do you work at Little Caesars? Because you’re Hot And I'm Ready.

  12. 12. Your cupcakes make my soufflés rise.

  13. 13. I might not be a Doritos Locos Taco, but I sure will spice up your life.

  14. 14. If you were a vegetable, you’d be a CUTE-cumber.

  15. 15. Anyone can sit here and buy you drinks. I want to buy you dinner!

  16. 16. Your name must be Coca Cola, because you're so-da-licious

  17. 17. Can you put some hot sauce on my enchilada, I need some spice in my life

  18. 18. Life would be feta if we were togetha.

  19. 19. Are you a fruit? Cause honeydew you know how fine you look right now?

  20. 20. Do you like Pizza Hut? Cause I want to stuff your crust.

  21. 21. Do you live in a corn field? Cause I'm stalking you!

  22. 22. How about I dip my Wild Wings in your Buffalo sauce?

  23. 23. I'm like Domino's Pizza. If I don't come in 30 minutes, the next one is free.

  24. 24. You must be peanut butter because you're making my legs feel like jelly.

  25. 25. I'll be the Burger King, and you'll be the Dairy Queen... You treat me right, and I'll do it your way.

  26. 26. Did you just come from KFC, cause your thighs and breasts just gave me a drumstick.

  27. 27. You're like my favorite candy bar, half sweet, half nuts.

  28. 28. Let me be a chicken nugget and take a dip in your sauce.

  29. 29. Now what's on the menu? Me-n-u

  30. 30. Omelette you in on a secret. You and I would brie perfectly gouda.

  31. 31. Can I double stuff your Oreo?

  32. 32. I do not fancy wines, I prefer moans.

  33. 33. I like my women like I like my doughnuts - HOT and HOLY!

  34. 34. Do you like Alphabet soup? Cause you gonna be choking on the D

  35. 35. I like my women like I like my ice cream, fat free and dripping down my fingers.

  36. 36. Do you like Krispy Kreme? Cause I wanna glaze your donut.

  37. 37. Do you like hot dogs girl? Cause I'd like to put my weiner between those buns

  38. 38. I want you more then a Hagen-Daas on a hot summer day.

  39. 39. You must work at subway, because you’re giving me a foot long.

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