lever pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Is that a lever in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  2. 2. In minecraft when a lever is flipped the red stone glows/ turns on. This line means u turn her on.

  3. 3. Are you a lever? Because im a lamp, and you are turning me on.

  4. 4. If you pull the slot machine lever, I have a feeling you'll get lucky! Because the lever is in my pants! Grab that Lucky 7, baby!

  5. 5. Hey babe, could you give my voting lever a little pull?

  6. 6. Baby I'm like a lever because you turn me on!

  7. 7. Because you make my piston hard

  8. 8. You can pull my lever.

  9. 9. Are you a lever? Because you turn me on.

  10. 10. What do you say we use my lever to shift your center of mass?

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