essentials pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because you’re essential to me...

  2. 2. Hi mates I have the course Dm me for details if you're interested.

  3. 3. Dm me for details.

  4. 4. Cause I'd like them to remain open this whole quarantine

  5. 5. During this quarantine we have to stock up on essential supplies. Come home with me and my stockpile will be complete!

  6. 6. Because im gonna be opening up ur legs

  7. 7. I'm giving it for 15 USD Dm me if you're interested.

  8. 8. I give it for 10$ Dm me of you're interested.

  9. 9. Man Mode Essentials By Tay Social Hi gents I'm giving Tay's best course for 10$ Dm me if you're interested.

  10. 10. Do you know the essential difference between sex and conversation? (No.) Do you want to go upstairs and talk?

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