voice pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. (she walks closer) I just made you come with my voice, guess what I can with my hands.

  2. 2. Or I really might have fallen for you - Day 84

  3. 3. My vagina has a voice, and it's saying helloooo, handsome.

  4. 4. I’d invite you to my place, but I voicing my love in private.

  5. 5. Everytime I hear yoour voice it reverberates within my soul.

  6. 6. Lemme Buy You A Drank. (In T-Pain's voice)

  7. 7. So you're looking really good today...Sorry that's what the voices in my head told me say that.

  8. 8. I'd like to put my hand over your chest and in a loud clear voice moan

  9. 9. Because I called my dick radio and maybe you should get on it

  10. 10. If you can make me sing

  11. 11. You're the sound in my voice, the rhythm in my walk, the thunder that vibrates in my heart…..be my lightning and strike down on me!

  12. 12. Cause you leave me speechless

  13. 13. Can I buy you a drink? It'll help you tolerate my face. And my voice. And my smell.

  14. 14. And that is not the only thing I can project deep

  15. 15. Is there anything I can do to use my privilege to amplify your voice?

  16. 16. Our voices are more than an octave apart. Let's get a little closer.

  17. 17. You must be a Siren, cause I'm fallingfor your voice.

  18. 18. Sorry I asked siri to call my future wife

  19. 19. And Now i am wondering how amazing your voice would be.!

  20. 20. Cuz I can't get enough of you and the things you say

  21. 21. Is you name Bilal?

  22. 22. Because I want you to talk to me all day

  23. 23. Your voice is angelic. I can hear you singing in the shower.

  24. 24. I can talk in a high pitched dolphin voice... EE ee eeee E.. E.. Eee E E Ee

  25. 25. Do you sing in the gospel choir? Because you have voice of an angel.

  26. 26. You're the sound in my voice, the rythm in my walk, the thunder that vibrates in my heart…..be my lightning and strike down on me!

  27. 27. Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, "Why me?", then a voice answers "Nothing personal, your name just happened to come up. (Charles Schulz)

  28. 28. Hi, the voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you.

  29. 29. Your voice is like Quropeco's calling, cause my heart and body automatically listens to Jho

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