sauron pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. 'Cause dat ass is precious.

  2. 2. Was your *** forged by Sauron? That sh!t looks precious.

  3. 3. Were you forged by Sauron? ‘Cause, baby, you’re precious!

  4. 4. Was your ass forged by Sauron? Cause that shit looks precious.

  5. 5. Because you're Precious.

  6. 6. Because you're the One.

  7. 7. Because I want to destroy your ring.

  8. 8. Why? I jizz your into your eye until it burns

  9. 9. Cause I’m the eye of Sauron and I can’t wait to look at your ring

  10. 10. I love you more than Sauron loves power.

  11. 11. Sauron’s gonna be after me because he knows I’ve found the one.

  12. 12. Were you forged by Sauron? Because you look precious.

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