jason pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Do you listen to Jason Derulo? Because every time I see you I want to sing your name.

  2. 2. If your love is Crystal Lake then I'm Jason Voorhees. Cause I drowning in it.

  3. 3. Hi all I have the full program pm me fast for details.

  4. 4. Hi guys I have the program I'm giving it for 15$ pm me if you're interested.

  5. 5. Girl, you remind me of Jason Derulo, because everytime we meet, I want to sing your name!

  6. 6. Cuz ill finger blast you harder than Jason Pierre Paul.

  7. 7. But you can talk dirty to me. ;)

  8. 8. I'm Jason and I won't stop til you're mine like it's Friday the 13th.

  9. 9. Hi all if you are looking for any course by JC dm me I give it for 15$ .

  10. 10. Do you listen to Jason Derulo? Because everytime I see you I want to sing your name.

  11. 11. The Crystalina to my Jason?

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