pickaxe pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Do you have a diamond pickaxe? Because I'm literally as hard as obsidian right now.

  2. 2. You better bring a diamond pickaxe to my house. Cause there's obsidian in my pants.

  3. 3. Cuz I'm an obsidian block and only you could get me off.

  4. 4. Do you have a diamond pickaxe? because I'm as hard as obsidian right now.

  5. 5. Because I'm as hard as obsidian

  6. 6. I’ll pick you up because you are mine

  7. 7. Because I'd want to smash you all day with my diamond pickaxe B-).

  8. 8. Cause I’m gonna use you then throw you away

  9. 9. Are you a diamond pickaxe? Because I'm harder than obsidian

  10. 10. Cuz when you break the ice I’m still hard

  11. 11. Want to check out my pickaxe?

  12. 12. I will need a pickaxe to dig the diamond out of your eyes.

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