nuts pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Then how did he cook dat delicious booty with only his nuts

  2. 2. Are you a squirrel? Because I can see your nuts

  3. 3. My nuts would fit perfectly in your crack.

  4. 4. 'Cause I want to bust a nut in you

  5. 5. Do you like tapes and CD's? Cause I'm gonna tape this dick to your forehead so you CD's nuts.

  6. 6. Can I quarantine deez nuts inside of you?

  7. 7. Cause everytime i see you my nuts tighten up

  8. 8. ... because everytime you look at my my nuts tighten

  9. 9. When I look into them, my nuts tighten.

  10. 10. I failed No Nut November, and that's because of you

  11. 11. You’re like my favourite chocolate bar - half sweet and half nuts!

  12. 12. Because I wanna fill ur cheeks with nut

  13. 13. I must be made of pecan pralines, cause I am NUTS for you!

  14. 14. But when I'm done with you there will be another

  15. 15. Why, because I put the nut in you, honey.

  16. 16. Cause Imagine Draggon’ these nuts across your face!

  17. 17. My name's Coco. Would you like to try my nut milk?

  18. 18. I’d put my nuts in you

  19. 19. I can bust a nut in your hole

  20. 20. Because I wanna put my nuts in your mouth.

  21. 21. Because if I stuck my dick in you, I'd be fucking nuts

  22. 22. It worked for me so hopefully it works for you

  23. 23. Wanna see my nuts?

  24. 24. Hey can i put my nuts or your rack?

  25. 25. Rose's are red, violets are blue.. I failed No Nut November thinking about you

  26. 26. Your eyes are like spanners. Every time I look at you my nuts tighten.

  27. 27. Because I want to bust a nut in your mouth.

  28. 28. Girl: How so? Guy: Because you make my nuts tighten up.

  29. 29. Deku nuts aren't the only things in my pocket.

  30. 30. I hope you like goblins, because your gonna be goblin dese nuts.

  31. 31. Will you quarantine your nuts inside me?

  32. 32. Are you a Cheerio, because honey, you make me nut.

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