expand pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Ooops , I expanded my couples.

  2. 2. You have some fine new resources, because you made my PP curve expand.

  3. 3. I'll expand in your ass

  4. 4. Let's go back to my place and ill show you how to expand your logarithm.

  5. 5. Do you need math help? Wanna expand my polynomial?

  6. 6. Because I would like to expand in your ass.

  7. 7. It's constantly expanding

  8. 8. You can help by expanding it.

  9. 9. (Not created by me) Hey are you a school? Because I want to expand my knowledge about you.

  10. 10. ...that you make my rod expand thermally.

  11. 11. Are you thanos? Because I feel like going up your ass and expanding might be the only way to save the world.

  12. 12. Wanna expand my polynomial?

  13. 13. Whoops, I think my binomials just expanded

  14. 14. Wench: What's that sound? Knight: That's just the sound of my chain mail drawers expanding.

  15. 15. Hey, wanna come to my place and observe something else that's constantly expanding ?

  16. 16. Heat makes things expand... so I don't have a weight problem... I am just hot!

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