hearts pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Baby are you metal shrapnel? Because I feel you in my heart.


  3. 3. You and i are like c and b# we look different but were the same at heart.

  4. 4. Can you help me reconfigure my GPS system? I need directions to find my way into your heart.

  5. 5. I'll have none, Cause you went straight to my heart

  6. 6. Because I want to give my heart to you

  7. 7. I'd love to give you my heart.

  8. 8. Because you’re making my heart race

  9. 9. Because it's pumping inside of you ;) Edit: Sorry if this seems like a repost I never saw this pickup line on this sub I'm very sorry

  10. 10. You're not Brendon Urie but you can put my heart beating faster faster...

  11. 11. Please end up this poverty in my heart and stand in solidarity by my side.

  12. 12. I looked into your eyes and now I don't know where I am...which way to your heart?

  13. 13. Cause mine’s being stolen

  14. 14. Are you catching fire? Because you make my heart melt.

  15. 15. The map to my heart is located on the veins of my left arm.

  16. 16. Girl your like cardio, you get my heart racing.

  17. 17. ... because you live in my heart.

  18. 18. Baby, I'm just like Mola Rom, I'm a guy after your heart.

  19. 19. You've been living in my heart for quite some time now.

  20. 20. Cause I want you to tell me the shortest path to your heart.

  21. 21. Cause you have always been in my heart.

  22. 22. Cause I would like to be sentenced for life.

  23. 23. Because my heart converges absolutely to you.

  24. 24. Do you know what you have that no one else has? My Heart

  25. 25. Cause you infected my heart.

  26. 26. He is I and you are art.

  27. 27. You just stung my heart

  28. 28. Because I think my heart just took off.

  29. 29. Ah Lara, you really are a woman after my own heart.

  30. 30. Cause you always have possession of my heart.

  31. 31. You may be flightless but you make my heart soar.

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