stops pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cuz i cant stop looking achoo

  2. 2. Because you won’t stop crossing my mind

  3. 3. Because i cant stop studying your curves.

  4. 4. Cause I can't stop looking ACHOO

  5. 5. Stop, drop, and roll, darling. You are on fire...

  6. 6. He tried to kidnap me 5 times this year.

  7. 7. Stop lighting me up like a TNT, I'm gonna explode!

  8. 8. I can stop praying to St. Anthony because I found you.

  9. 9. Please tell your breasts to stop staring at my eyes.

  10. 10. Are you wildfire precious, cause I wanna stop drop and roll with you?

  11. 11. Are you a lanerope because I can't seem to stop hitting on you?

  12. 12. I’d do you for 3 hours and only stop for water breaks

  13. 13. Are you a train wreck? Because I can't stop looking at you.

  14. 14. Are you a library book? Because I can't stop checking you out.

  15. 15. Boy, you must be a library book, because I can't stop checking you out.

  16. 16. Cuz I cant stop lookin at you

  17. 17. Baby, your name must be Mario Yamasaki because you just stopped my heart prematurely.

  18. 18. Only you can stop this kerning in my soul.

  19. 19. Look I naturally selection you. So stop squirming and get in the boot!

  20. 20. You're like a bag of M&Ms, i start eating you and i just cant stop.

  21. 21. Can i taste yours for a change?

  22. 22. Because I can’t stop thinking of you.

  23. 23. Cause I can't stop looking you.

  24. 24. You look so good, you'd stop traffic even if you weren't blockading.

  25. 25. Come to this Poke Stop often?

  26. 26. If I was still alive, your looks would stop my heart!

  27. 27. Stop protesting so I can lay my pipe.

  28. 28. I can't stop ruminating about you.

  29. 29. I don't wanna stop protesting...but you're absolutely arresting.

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