surely pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I’m no Captain Marvel but you’ll sure be yelling SHAZAM!

  2. 2. Cuz I’m not completely sure how you work but I have this weird feeling in my gut that makes me wanna take you out.

  3. 3. Jesus may not cum a second time but I sure can.

  4. 4. But you can't spell quarantine without u, r, a, q, t

  5. 5. You walked past and it didn't go off

  6. 6. Are you a JCB because you sure know how to dig.

  7. 7. As the last survivor of Krypton, I have the duty to make sure that my career doesn’t end with me.

  8. 8. Because you sure do draw my attention ;)

  9. 9. If you join this drum circle you're sure to get a good bang.

  10. 10. Hey Girl, are you a Beaver? Because you sure look like you could use some wood!

  11. 11. You sure meet my convergence criteria.

  12. 12. I'd sure like to put my lance through your A.T. Field.

  13. 13. Cuz you sure know how to raise a cock!

  14. 14. Cause you sure do raise my cock

  15. 15. Because you sure know how to raise a cock

  16. 16. Cause you sure know how to raise a cock.

  17. 17. Sure you can figure 8, but can you follow through?

  18. 18. Are you sure your moth-like personality won't be drawn to this blazing fire that is myself?

  19. 19. You must be on sale because I sure am checking you out.

  20. 20. Were your parents handicapped? Because you sure are special!

  21. 21. But you do be serving good looks.

  22. 22. But I'm pretty sure you have a mirror at home.

  23. 23. Because my interest with you is sure on the rise!

  24. 24. I'm sure I can awaken your moon prism power any day.

  25. 25. Baby, I may not be Sriracha sauce, but I sure will spice up your life.

  26. 26. Are you sure there are only 3 triforce pieces, cus I'm sure you have the triforce of beauty.

  27. 27. I'm sure he'd keep it for himself.

  28. 28. But I’m pretty sure you own a mirror

  29. 29. If you were a volleyball I'd be sure to call you mine.

  30. 30. This might as well be Big Hero 6 Cuz you sure are my bae-max

  31. 31. Cuz you sure are Imprezing me!

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