mormon pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I'll help you find the iron rod.

  2. 2. Can you bring your feelings for me to church Tuesday night? Because im pretty sure the feelings mutual!

  3. 3. Hey girl, you remind me of the fruit in Lehi’s dream; precious above all others.

  4. 4. You remind me of the fruit in Lehi’s dream; precious above all others.

  5. 5. I was working on my family history. Do you think it's too early to list you as a spouse?

  6. 6. Good, I can break my fast… Because I see the answer to my prayers.

  7. 7. What is your favorite Temple? I’m looking at mine.

  8. 8. Until this moment, I never understood how Joseph smith felt during his angelic visits.

  9. 9. Are you feeling cold, because I could be your Holy Ghost.

  10. 10. Wanna hold the priesthood?

  11. 11. Hi, my name is Jared. Believe it or not, right here in my pocket is the iron rod. Wanna hold to it?

  12. 12. I need the Liahonia because I am lost in your eyes.

  13. 13. You need to talk to your Bishop about the word of wisdom, because you are smokin’.

  14. 14. Is your name Sunshine? Because you are “In my soul today”.

  15. 15. Looks like you need some laying on of hands for the commission of sin.

  16. 16. Are you Virtue? - Because you've been garnishing my thoughts unceasingly.

  17. 17. It is the spirit that tells you that you’re telling me?

  18. 18. Hey Girl! You are more beautiful than temple square in December.

  19. 19. Is your name virtue cause you garnish my thoughts unceasingly!

  20. 20. I love to see the temple. I'll (You'll) take you (me) there someday.

  21. 21. I'll let you see my temple recommend if you let me see yours

  22. 22. Instead of sealing our lips together, lets get sealed in the temple first!

  23. 23. The tree of life is called , wants its sweetness behind.

  24. 24. You look like you were born of goodly parents.

  25. 25. The Commandment say to love my neighbor. Can I love you too?

  26. 26. You remind me of my other three wives. (ouch)

  27. 27. Do you go to church? Because you’re the answer to my prayers!

  28. 28. Is the Spirit telling you the same thing it's telling me?

  29. 29. Can your bring your feelings for me to church on Tuesday night? Because I’m damn sure it’s mutual.

  30. 30. I'll read your patriarchal blessing, if you read mine.

  31. 31. I want to be like the Spirit, to be with thee whithersoever thou goest.

  32. 32. If me and you made a garden, Would you plant your tulips next to mine?

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