sales pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I'm the top executive managing president of international sales at the #1 marketing company in the greater Northern hemisphere.

  2. 2. If you were a Black Friday sale, you'd be a door buster.

  3. 3. Cyber Monday sale. My house. You and I. All clothes will be 100% off.

  4. 4. Because I desperately need your approval.

  5. 5. Did you get that dress on sale? Because it's 100% off at my place.

  6. 6. Black Friday is so hypocritical. one day you're thankful for everything you have then the next day you're fighting over TV's & stuff on sale

  7. 7. Why go looking for sales when you can have me for free?

  8. 8. There are lots of things on sale but the only thing for free is my number.

  9. 9. Because in my house there are 100% discount.

  10. 10. You must be on sale because I sure am checking you out.

  11. 11. You know what else is on sale today? My affection.

  12. 12. Hey boy, have you heard of all the great sales today? Yea clothes are 100% off at my place tonight.

  13. 13. Did you get that shirt on sale? Because in my room they'd be a 100% off!

  14. 14. All clothing will be 100% off. . .

  15. 15. Are those pants on sale? Because they're 100% off at my place!

  16. 16. Your clothes are 100% off at my place.

  17. 17. But I’d like them better if they were 100% off

  18. 18. Did you get those yoga pants on sale? Because at my house they're 100% off.

  19. 19. Clothes are 100% off

  20. 20. If you do, I’m having a sale at my house, clothes are 50% off with the chance of further discounts ;)

  21. 21. Cos they're 100% off at my place.

  22. 22. Well if you're looking for a good one, clothing is 100% off at my place

  23. 23. Well, I have a sale at my house. Clothes, 100% off.

  24. 24. My house. You & me. All clothes will be 100% off.

  25. 25. This was just a sale-leaseback.

  26. 26. I’m not into cold-call sales, but I’d love to have your number.

  27. 27. There's a big sale in my bedroom right now. Clothes are now 100% off!

  28. 28. I'll wait for you like I wait for Steam sales

  29. 29. Black Friday is so hypocritical. one day you're thankful for everything you have then the next day you're fighting over tvs & stuff on sale

  30. 30. I'm having a sale in my bedroom. My clothes are 100% off.

  31. 31. If someone advertises a Black Friday beer sale I will camp out until I freeze

  32. 32. Love for sale: $9.99 for a smoking hot night.

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