plastic pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Line: I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours! Comeback: I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours!!!

  2. 2. Cause I want to put a plastic condom inside you

  3. 3. So, after he feeds us, how 'bout we check out the view from behind the creepy plastic diver and his plastic treasure?

  4. 4. I have 8 inches of plastic for you.

  5. 5. Cause you take my breath away

  6. 6. call me a plastic straw cause I want you to choke on me

  7. 7. I want to be a plastic surgeon. Can you please show me what a perfect body looks like?

  8. 8. I bet you look beautiful in plastic handcuffs.

  9. 9. Cause your ass is looking fine as hell

  10. 10. You can put your plastic bottle in my recycling bin any time

  11. 11. With a body like yours, you've got to refer me to your plastic surgeon.

  12. 12. With a curves like yours, you've got to refer me to your plastic surgeon.

  13. 13. Paper or latex? I mean latex or plastic? You know what I mean.

  14. 14. Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? But really, I don’t think you’re supposed to put the bananas in your pocket. They have plastic bags for that.

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