involving pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cause our relationship’s gonna be short, passionate, and at the end the courts will get involved

  2. 2. You make me ALL SHOOK UP and make me have a DIRTY, DIRTY FEELING which involve my ANIMAL INSTINCTS wanting us to be DOUBLE TROUBLE.

  3. 3. Because you seem to only care about my emotions when money is involved.

  4. 4. It can be any major event I'm just not clever enough to come up with anything

  5. 5. Exploring your angles would most likely involve sin.

  6. 6. Got a girl whose studying sonography

  7. 7. I am a microbiologist, my job involves lots of streaking, probing and mounting. I do it all with culture and sensitivity.

  8. 8. Are you involved in Business? Because you really know how to position yourself for me.

  9. 9. Bonus points if it involves a train

  10. 10. All my dirty thoughts involve you.

  11. 11. I know there is a planet joke involving Uranus but I can't come up with one lol.

  12. 12. I need a topical pickup line involving Louis CK Having a hard time coming up with anything other than "I wanna fuck your face"

  13. 13. Because DAMnnnnn

  14. 14. Now that you are a new member I would like to give you the opportunity to get involved.

  15. 15. Well, ye caught me, lass! Now I can grant ye one wish, as long as it involves sex.

  16. 16. Wanna see my gunlance? It'll involve vigorous thrusting which ends in an explosive climax!

  17. 17. You must be a Richard Serra sculpture because I want to get involved with you, end up stuck in a loop, then get spit out right where I started.

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