patch pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You're gonna need another eye patch if you expect me to have sex completely naked.

  2. 2. Because you give me a bigger hitbox.

  3. 3. You give my dick a bigger hitbox

  4. 4. Cuz you make my hitbox bigger.

  5. 5. Looks like you’re giving my dick a bigger hitbox

  6. 6. Because I could eat you until my tongue is raw.

  7. 7. My dick has a bigger hit box now

  8. 8. You give my dick a bigger hit box

  9. 9. You make my dick’s hit box larger

  10. 10. Can I wear your patch ?

  11. 11. Are you the patch notes? Because I can't get enough of you

  12. 12. Just because one eye is patched doesn't mean I don't see how beautiful you are.

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