factory pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

  2. 2. Because I want to put my kids in you

  3. 3. I'm crazier than a Beagle in a vacuum factory, baby!

  4. 4. Even the Chocolate factory doesn't make candy as sweet as you.

  5. 5. Cause i wanna put some kids in you!

  6. 6. Cuz I wanna fill you up with kids

  7. 7. Because I wanna put a bunch of kids in you

  8. 8. Cause I wanna put some kids in you

  9. 9. Girl, you won't be the baby factory tonight.

  10. 10. Because I want to come inside your chocolate factory

  11. 11. Cuz i wanna put some kids in you

  12. 12. Are you a Chinese factory? Because I wanna put a bunch of kids in you

  13. 13. Because I’m tryna put kids in you

  14. 14. Because you're making me an everlasting gobstopper.

  15. 15. Because i want to put bunch of kids in you

  16. 16. Because I'm an unscrupulous business magnate, and I'm about to fill you with kids.

  17. 17. Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day, but I'm asking for only one.

  18. 18. Wow, if you were, like a type of factory or somethin' you'd be an oil refinery... because the word "Fine" is in it.

  19. 19. What’s a nice guy like you doing in a Burlington Coat Factory like this?

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