dumb pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. We make a real sharp couple. I'm dumb. You're shy.

  2. 2. You’re so dumb you wouldn’t know cute if you looked in a mirror.

  3. 3. Do you know what I’m going to do? Three loads of laundry.

  4. 4. Would you like to see my boa constrictor?

  5. 5. Because you look dumb and stupid.

  6. 6. I know you probably won't feel the same please say you like me back please everytime I tell someone they never like me back please god I'm sorry if I bothered you I don't know it's dumb

  7. 7. Because somebody in here told me I would be fucking Dumb for coming here and talking to you.

  8. 8. Because I'm always thinking about you. That sounded so dumb I just want to help people

  9. 9. I may be stupid I may be dumb But why not you just let me Finger you bum

  10. 10. Dumbing it down- the real numbers wouldn't be complete if it weren't for the LUB axiom.

  11. 11. “Hey girl! Let’s act like magellanic penguins and mate for life”

  12. 12. Because I’m pretty funny lookin’

  13. 13. Almost.

  14. 14. It takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.

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