friday pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I hope your clothes is participating in Black Friday because I want to see them 50-75% off!

  2. 2. Come over on Black Friday. We can make love and have left-overs from Thanksgiving dinner. Did I mention my mom is a great cook?

  3. 3. If you were a Black Friday sale, you'd be a door buster.

  4. 4. It's supposed to snow on Friday night. What are you doing?

  5. 5. You might not have got the deal you wanted, but you can have my number for free.

  6. 6. Got such a great deal on this external hard drive. How big is it? About 8 inches fully erect.

  7. 7. No, I'm serious. I mean, talk about 'hot deals'...

  8. 8. Meeting you is better than any of the deals I’ve seen on Black Friday!

  9. 9. Hey, I've got a great deal. My pants are half-off.

  10. 10. You're the only deal I need.

  11. 11. Hey girl, wanna come watch this 39" tv and these 5 dollar movies tonight?

  12. 12. I give 'door-busters' a whole new meaning.

  13. 13. Black Friday is so hypocritical. one day you're thankful for everything you have then the next day you're fighting over TV's & stuff on sale

  14. 14. Bone of my bone. Flesh of my flesh. What are you doing Friday night?

  15. 15. There are lots of things on sale but the only thing for free is my number.

  16. 16. Because in my house there are 100% discount.

  17. 17. Let's go shopping. Clothes are 100% off at my house.

  18. 18. If you check me out, I'll check you out.

  19. 19. You must be on sale because I sure am checking you out.

  20. 20. You know what else is on sale today? My affection.

  21. 21. Hey boy, have you heard of all the great sales today? Yea clothes are 100% off at my place tonight.

  22. 22. Did you get that shirt on sale? Because in my room they'd be a 100% off!

  23. 23. The only thing I want to see 100% off tonight are your clothes.

  24. 24. I'd love to see your clothes 100% off.

  25. 25. All clothes are 100% off

  26. 26. Your clothes, 100% off.

  27. 27. I’ve been waiting behind you in line for five hours... Nice ass!

  28. 28. I hear - once you go Black Friday, you never go back?

  29. 29. If you go to my bedroom at 12am, my clothes will be half off.

  30. 30. Hey baby, wanna come over and get your clothes 50-75% off.

  31. 31. All clothing will be 100% off. . .

  32. 32. Are those pants on sale? Because they're 100% off at my place!

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