haha pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. "Wanna go back to my place and play paramedic?" -"Haha whats that?" "It's like doctor, except I cut your clothes off faster." Then use your discretion about DCAP/BTLS comments.

  2. 2. Haha me too.. mind if i suislide in your dms haha..?

  3. 3. I'm the joke

  4. 4. Cause you got crazy looks and you leave me breathless haha get it... because that kinda sounds like joker - don't worry I'm already leaving

  5. 5. I need it pretty quick haha. Thanks!

  6. 6. Worst post-hookup message I've ever received irl

  7. 7. Said to me by some chick on tinder haha

  8. 8. Haha, Sorry! Just thought I'd "break the ice".

  9. 9. I searched this subreddit, and there is nothing for the name Danica! Give me your best, or worst haha.

  10. 10. Him: Yo, you look exactly like my cousin her: haha really? him: yeah, wanna know somethin about her? her: what him: she was reallllly into incest, profit

  11. 11. Well you know what that means right? HAHA YOU'RE SINGLE!! \*Do take the L\*

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