wizard pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Damn babe are you a wizard who turned my pants into fireworks? Because there's been an explosion.

  2. 2. Girl are you an alteration wizard because you're making me change in ways I've never felt before.

  3. 3. I'd let you on my wizard tower.

  4. 4. I always wanted to be a wizard.

  5. 5. Let's have a Tri-Wizard tournament Protect your 'wand' from 'hogwarts' when you enter the 'chamber of secrets'

  6. 6. But I’m still a wizard under the sheets.

  7. 7. I heard you're a Gryffinwhore (Why?) Because you let every wizard Slytherin!

  8. 8. Because I'd let you cast a spell with my wand any day ;)

  9. 9. A wizard is never premature. He finishes precisely when he means to.

  10. 10. Because I want to see your wand Idk if repost

  11. 11. It would've been when We were happy together.

  12. 12. Because you appear to be magical

  13. 13. 'Cause I'd let you womp my willow

  14. 14. I put on my robe and wizard hat…

  15. 15. Because I want to show you my wizard of oz and see what parts match up.

  16. 16. Because you cast a spell on me.

  17. 17. No, I'm actually a wizard. Want to see my crystal balls?

  18. 18. Yes, I am indeed a wizard. Watch me make your clothes disappear!

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