1. Let's commit mitosis while you suck me toe sis!
2. Cause I want you to fuck me all day, every day.
3. Because you'll be with me forever
4. Because my interest with you is sure on the rise!
5. I tried this on some local elementary school students last week but they didn't seem to understand it.
6. ... cause I got crazy interest.
7. Cause I want to be stuck with you for 30 more years.
8. Because i think you're going to fuck me for a few years.
9. Will you be my student loans? Because I'd like to have you around for the rest of my life.
10. Because I’d totally give you a shot
11. And you be my head master ;)
12. So... what's an engineering student doing in the social sciences library?
13. Baby your like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all my problems.
14. Baby, you're like a student and I'm like a math book... you solve all my problems!
15. You're like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all my problems! Just like Billy Beane when it comes to acquiring key baseball players who always get on base.
16. Do you know were I can get access to your student body
17. For College Students
I wanna do you like I do you like my homework, slam you down and do you all night!
18. There is a girl sitting alone on the other side of the student lounge blonde with blue eyes and beautiful. Need a pickup line quick!!!
19. A psych student who likes rock, games and films
20. Extra cursed student or not, I wont even think of ignoring you.
21. Well thank god you aren't gay, because I hope I'm the first one to give you the D.
22. Are you a prospective student? Because I'd like to tell you all about the various activities and clubs I can offer.
23. Gosh... I thought you were a student!
24. Hey teacher! You reached students on a whole new level when you incorporated film into the curriculum. Let’s turn on a movie and try out a new learning style.
25. You work hard and make a difference take some time for yourself. Your students will understand.
26. Chem students do it on the table periodically.