romance pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey babe, even though I am an admiral, I'm definitely not all wet when it comes to romance.

  2. 2. Just dance on over to me, I'll give you some bad romance.

  3. 3. If I had chemical I'd want some romance with you.

  4. 4. I think must have found the Romance section...

  5. 5. Futura generations will speak of our romance.

  6. 6. Wanna help me go hang up a My Chemical Romance poster?

  7. 7. Girl, our romance could become a pizza history.

  8. 8. Meet me in the Romance section let's make Romeo & Juliet jealous.

  9. 9. you’re a Capricorn, I’m a Cancer!

  10. 10. Cuz I see us getting back together.

  11. 11. Saint Augustine said to fall in love with God is the greatest romance, but falling in love with you is just as great.

  12. 12. 'Cause you make my dick undying.

  13. 13. Why don't we turn my chemical romance into OUR chemical romance?

  14. 14. Hey, wanna play with my Ouija board? We can summon Romeo & Juliet and live a fairytale romance.

  15. 15. Got a minute?

  16. 16. You and me could write a bad romance.

  17. 17. Baby I put the romance in Necromancer

  18. 18. Cause I brought you my bullets and you can bring me your love

  19. 19. Baby, I love you so much that if Joss Whedon were writing our romance, one of us would be dead by now.

  20. 20. I take romance to a new level—I don’t cuddle, I hibernate.

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