pound pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Wedding cake.

  2. 2. I want to pound you like I pound the asphalt: For hours until it hurts.

  3. 3. Wait for response, then say Looking for pretty city, looks like you know how to get there Wait for response, then say Maybe later I could show you how to get to pound town ;0

  4. 4. Because I want to give you a weak pound.

  5. 5. Because I’ve got a plan to give you a weak pound.

  6. 6. You wanna experience some ground and pound?

  7. 7. You look good with a few extra pounds on you.

  8. 8. Is that canon fire, or is it my heart pounding?

  9. 9. Call me Mark Buehrle because I’m gonna pound it in your zone all night and not give you any time to get out of the box

  10. 10. Hey, baby, wanna learn the sweet science and do a little ground and pound?

  11. 11. Hey, how about you let me take you down to the ground and let me pound you?

  12. 12. My lady, I'd pound you with my hammer any day.

  13. 13. I'm gonna call you volvagia, because I'm gonna pound your face with my megaton hammer.

  14. 14. I’d like to pound you with my hammer.

  15. 15. Was that cannon fire, or is it my heart pounding? from "Casablanca"

  16. 16. Coz omelette you chow on this 10 pound meat

  17. 17. Because it's pounding inside of you and I'm not.

  18. 18. Because you could seriously afford to lose a few pounds.

  19. 19. Someone: What's a matter baby? You: Nothing, sweetie. How about you?

  20. 20. Once I bent down to pet a small dog and hey, it was a 5 pound squirrels.

  21. 21. Because I’d like to pound you in all the wrong places.

  22. 22. I wanna pound you the way the ocean pounds the surf.

  23. 23. Cause i want you pounding inside me.

  24. 24. You can pound my meat

  25. 25. Coz you make my heart pound

  26. 26. Because I would like to pound you until you collapse ;)

  27. 27. Do you wanna see my NUGGETS? I'd POUND you with my Piplup.

  28. 28. Or is that just my heart pounding?

  29. 29. 'Cause I would like a Quarter Pounding ;)

  30. 30. Because I want you pounding inside me. Thought of this in English class yesterday and my friend loved it.

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