marvel avengers pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Girl, you deserve a throne. In the shape of my face. (Thor)

  2. 2. On a scale of one to America, how free are you this weekend. (Captain America)

  3. 3. I was frozen in ice for decades... Wanna help me warm up? (Captain America)

  4. 4. I may be a god, but you're a full-on goddess. (Thor)

  5. 5. Have you ever seen the Avengers? Well I'd like to introduce you to Thor's hammer. (Thor)

  6. 6. Did you know lightning is 5000 times hotter than the sun? (Thor)

  7. 7. You've smashed your way into my heart (The Hulk)

  8. 8. Are you made of fluorine? Because you make me react to everything! (The Hulk)

  9. 9. They don't call me incredible for nothing! (The Hulk)

  10. 10. I'm Tony Stark. And I've saved my best weapon for you. (Iron Man)

  11. 11. You light up my world like nobody else (Iron Man)

  12. 12. Are you metal shrapnel? Because I feel you in my heart! (Iron Man)

  13. 13. You're so hot, you're breaking my circuits!

  14. 14. If you'll be my Pepper Potts, I'll be your Tony Stark (Iron Man)

  15. 15. I love you from the bottom of my arc reactor. (Iron Man)

  16. 16. My spidey sense isn't the only thing tingling. (Spiderman)

  17. 17. I'm like cupid, baby, I'll shoot you with my arrow of love. (Hawkeye)

  18. 18. You really caught my eye. (Nick Fury)

  19. 19. My shield can block anything, but it couldn't stop you from finding a way to my heart. (Captain America)

  20. 20. Did you use my scepter? Because you're taking over my heart (Loki)

  21. 21. I'm the best swinger in town! (Thor)

  22. 22. I'll give you my arc!

  23. 23. 70 years on ice left me with a lot of catching up to do... I’d like to start with you. (Captain America)

  24. 24. You're the stars on my spangled banner (Captain America)

  25. 25. It's not the size of the bow that counts, it's the number of arrows, if you know what I mean (Hawkeye)

  26. 26. Forget about World Domination, I only want to Dominate you . (Loki)

  27. 27. You're the bulls-eye, and my arrow never misses. (Hawkeye)

  28. 28. You're the only person I don't see better from a distance (Hawkeye)

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