location pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Girl, you must have been money laundering, because there is no tracking data to indicate how you arrived at this location.

  2. 2. Hey baby, did you fall from heaven? Because I have no tracking data to indicate how you arrived at this location.

  3. 3. Girl, you must have fallen from heaven because there is no tracking data to indicate how you arrived at this location.

  4. 4. Because that ass is lookin like a Fertile Crescent to me

  5. 5. The map to my heart is located on the veins of my left arm.

  6. 6. Girl, you must have been money laundrying, because there is no tracking data to indicate how you arrived at this location.

  7. 7. Hey girl, my name's Uber and I have reached my pick-up location.

  8. 8. Are you Cornell? Because I saw that you have an Ithaca area code and that's where Cornell is located.

  9. 9. Girl are you a persistent, large-scale cyclone located near the geographic poles? Cause you give me the chills.

  10. 10. Do you believe in love at first optical recognition, or should i ambulate by your location again?

  11. 11. Are you an overcrowded library branch location? Because you are STACKED.

  12. 12. Because your body is really hot

  13. 13. Are you Australia? Cause your geographical location is hot.

  14. 14. Cuz you're bouy-tiful

  15. 15. Because I like to come to you.

  16. 16. Searched for moon's address Girl it sent your location.

  17. 17. Cause I'm tryna clap yo cheeks

  18. 18. Hey baby, let's go to my house and change your spawn location.

  19. 19. Love is a sensation, caused by a temptation, to feel penetration. a guy sticks his location in a girl's destination, to increase the population for the next generation.

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