erection pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I've had an erection for over four hours and I was told to contact you.

  2. 2. Is it politically correct to say you make me feel, er, politically erect?

  3. 3. I hope I can count on your vote for my erection campaign.

  4. 4. Got such a great deal on this external hard drive. How big is it? About 8 inches fully erect.

  5. 5. Cause when you bite you give me an uncontrollable erection for hours till I die.

  6. 6. What is the difference between an erection and a Lamborghini ? I do not have a Lamborghini now.

  7. 7. I dont have a ferrari

  8. 8. Fuck the election, here's my erection.

  9. 9. Is your tent erect yet or do you need help with that?

  10. 10. Be the change you want to see in the world, and you inspire the change I want to see in my erection.

  11. 11. You'd better cuff me officer; I don't have planning permission for this erection.

  12. 12. Because you’re giving me a res-erection

  13. 13. Is your name Shay? Because you’ve Given me an erection.

  14. 14. My erection will live longer and prosper.

  15. 15. I don't have a ferrari.

  16. 16. Because you're inciting an erection

  17. 17. Cause damn, I’m gonna give you something that stands tall and erect tonight!

  18. 18. Cuz I get a erection every time I see you

  19. 19. And when I look at you, my penile member gets increasingly erect

  20. 20. Because you give me an extremely painful erection

  21. 21. Cuz I’d love for you meddle in my erection.

  22. 22. Because you're erecting my dispencer

  23. 23. But you’re giving me a res-erection ;)

  24. 24. Cause I have an erection

  25. 25. Your boner is giving my nipples an erection

  26. 26. What's the difference between a Ferrari and an erection? I don't have a Ferrari.

  27. 27. You must be a collector base, because you are giving me a raging erection.

  28. 28. You prefer a quick time line erection?

  29. 29. Erections like these don't grow on trees you know.

  30. 30. May I have permission to erect a structure on your private property?

  31. 31. Babe, you erect my tent without effort.

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