supermarket pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You: It's dangerous for you to be here in the frozen food section. Because you could melt all this stuff.

  2. 2. Without you my life is as empty as the supermarket shelf.

  3. 3. I buy garbage bags because I always take out the garbage.

  4. 4. Can I wear your plaid flannel when I make you breakfast tomorrow morning?

  5. 5. Isn’t it tuber time?

  6. 6. Baby, you better get out of that express lane, 'cause you're all that *and* a bag of chips.

  7. 7. Baby, have you been eating your Campbell's soup? Because you are looking Mmm, Mmm good!

  8. 8. Are you as spicy as your artisan hot sauce?

  9. 9. Got milk? You look like you would.

  10. 10. Are we in the laxatives aisle? 'Cause the thought of hooking up with you is running though my mind like crazy.

  11. 11. Funny meat-ing you here.

  12. 12. Can I help you carry your groceries to the car?

  13. 13. Don’t you just love stone fruit?

  14. 14. Clean up in Aisle BVD!

  15. 15. Are those melons fresh?

  16. 16. Ain't nothing sticky about those buns – they look nice and smooth.

  17. 17. A pretty lady wasn't on my shopping list but I can be spontaneous.

  18. 18. Do you need helping seeding your flower garden for next season?

  19. 19. Do you like hot chocolate? I like hot chicks.

  20. 20. Do you know which aisle the edible underwear is in? Oh wait, wrong store!

  21. 21. Are you a supermarket sample? 'Cause I wanna taste you again and again without any sense of shame.

  22. 22. Did you ever notice that supermarket music is actually ideal for slow dancing with strangers?

  23. 23. cause I wanna get inside of you

  24. 24. Do you prefer organic or local? Because I’m both.

  25. 25. Do you know if they sell organic Oreos?

  26. 26. Give me your address and I'll help you put your groceries away.

  27. 27. Does your Dad own Snapple, because you're made of the best stuff on earth.

  28. 28. Egg whites are for pussies. A real man doesn't criticize an egg for it's fatty parts, he loves an egg just the way it is.

  29. 29. I like my men like my homemade bread, dense.

  30. 30. (Staring at boxes of cereal) I treat all boxes with respect.

  31. 31. Have you ever frolicked in the fields of [name of your favorite farm]?

  32. 32. Have you ever seen a guy eat an entire can of pinto beans in under 10 seconds? Would you like to?

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