strange pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Her: Jessica. You: Jessica, I've come to bargain. ​ Repeat this as many times as you get rejected until you get the number. Works like a charm.

  2. 2. Because your head has a strange shape to it and I’m assuming it was a painful fall.

  3. 3. Strange attractors? I refuse to believe that you aren't familiar with the concept of attraction.

  4. 4. Miss Taro: "What should I say to an invitation from a strange gentleman?" James Bond: "You should say yes."

  5. 5. Crewman Madison, the mist of this strange planet is filling my head with such thoughts. (Galaxy Quest)

  6. 6. What's your amplitude for charm-strange mixing?

  7. 7. Beause you've opened a portal to my heart.

  8. 8. I'm into you but still want to get into you

  9. 9. Girl, you must be Wesleyan, because my heart is strangely warmed.

  10. 10. Coz u are a cutecumberbatch

  11. 11. Any ones for Ausashia? Strange name, I know.

  12. 12. I’d let a strange woman abduct me as long as she was taking me to you.

  13. 13. It think it's strange that you think I'm funny. (Begin Again)

  14. 14. I find douchebags strangely attractive. Just no white fanging.

  15. 15. I saw weird stuff in that place last night. Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff. And I want in.

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