social distancing pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Girl, 2 weeks is nothing compared to the rest of our life together.

  2. 2. Are you looking for a naughty experience? I only washed my hands for 19 seconds.

  3. 3. Distance makes my love grow stronger for you.

  4. 4. Girl, I have zero immunity against your sex appeal.

  5. 5. Meet me in my bunker. There's toilet paper and water.

  6. 6. Babe, you have Zoomed in my life.

  7. 7. Have you been quarantined? Never mind you are worth it to die for.

  8. 8. Hey baby, you come within 6 feet of here often?

  9. 9. Want to shelter in place on my bed?

  10. 10. Babe, I am all the PPE you need.

  11. 11. The world is in lock down, girl I just want to lock you down.

  12. 12. Want to make travel plans that we are going to cancel?

  13. 13. You are quarantined in heaven? Because you are an angel.

  14. 14. I really can’t stay, baby it's Covid outside.

  15. 15. If I told you, you have a nice body? Would you quarantine it with me?

  16. 16. I would touch you with my 6 foot pole.

  17. 17. Girl, no protective barrier is enough to stop me from getting to you.

  18. 18. I can't be with you physically, but can I FaceTime on you.

  19. 19. Girl, how about send me a socially distanced nude?

  20. 20. Are you working from home? Well fancy for some office sex?

  21. 21. We could have sex and still be social distanced

  22. 22. That n95 mask brings out the beauty in your eyes.

  23. 23. But a mask in you out girl.

  24. 24. Girl, you look amazing from this distance.

  25. 25. Girl, you don't need to gather 10 people to have a good time. All you need is this one.

  26. 26. Babe, want to get stuck together for 2 weeks.

  27. 27. Girl, you look amazing with those masks and gloves.

  28. 28. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past your house on the other side of the street again?

  29. 29. You had me when you had those toilet paper delivered.

  30. 30. I wouldn't want to be quarantined with anyone else but you.

  31. 31. I’m a sanitizer in the streets and a Hazmat suit in the sheets

  32. 32. Babe, are you ready for my sweet droplets?

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