explode pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because something tells me you're going to explode in my hand! (Happy 4th)

  2. 2. Are you a creeper? Because you make my heart explode

  3. 3. Because you make my pants explode

  4. 4. I'd like to dig into your temple and watch things explode.

  5. 5. Cuz all the dimes are rolling down to the coffeeshop ;) *Only works at coffeeshop

  6. 6. Because I wanna put my hot dog in you until it explodes

  7. 7. Lets me explode, before we both do!

  8. 8. Fireworks won't be the only thing exploding tonight.

  9. 9. I would like to make explode inside you, yes?

  10. 10. I’m like a plasma nade. Lemme get on that and you are guaranteed to explode.

  11. 11. When I go in you, we'll explode.

  12. 12. Is that a Roman Candle in your pocket or are your balls exploding with delight?

  13. 13. Give me the OK and I’ll explode all over you.

  14. 14. Is that PETN making your boxers explode or are you just happy to see me?

  15. 15. Are you Ziggs? Because you make my heart explode.

  16. 16. Stop lighting me up like a TNT, I'm gonna explode!

  17. 17. Because I want to explode inside of you.

  18. 18. I'll rate you 9/11, crash at your place and explode inside of you. And you'll never forget the time I visited.

  19. 19. Come ride my star rocket and feel it explode, with the the thrust of two engines transporting my load.

  20. 20. Girl are you head glitching, because just your head makes me explode.

  21. 21. Cause I want to explode inside you

  22. 22. Because I think my bombs are about to explode inside of you

  23. 23. Because I'm tryna explode inside you

  24. 24. Cause one touch and I can make you explode

  25. 25. Because you make me explode when I see you

  26. 26. Can u be my Hiroshima, I'll explode all over u.

  27. 27. Because I want to explode on you.

  28. 28. ...because you just made me explode in my pants. Alternatively: ...because you just made my head explode. Thoughts?

  29. 29. Because you are so damn hot

  30. 30. Cause you make my tower explode

  31. 31. If you don’t hold me when we start I’ll explode in 5 seconds

  32. 32. Cuz i wanna make you explode

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